Microsoft Entra: Developer-Centric Features & Public Preview of Microsoft Entra External ID
📌Last year, we talked about:
✔️Our bigger plan for identity and safe access.
✔️Launching Microsoft Entra - our new set of products for all identity and access matters.
✔️It includes Azure Active Directory (Azure AD), part of the Microsoft Entra family.
✔️We also mentioned Microsoft Entra Permissions Management, and Microsoft Entra Verified ID.
📌Now, we're thrilled to say:
✔️We've new developer-friendly features for customer and partner identity experiences in our newest customer identity and access management (CIAM) solution - Microsoft Entra External ID.
✔️Also, we've reached the next stage in making our Microsoft Entra Verified ID solution easy to use in any app with Microsoft Entra Verified ID SDK.
📌Microsoft Entra External ID in public preview:
✔️This is our newest customer identity and access management platform.
It unites safe and engaging experiences across all external identities - customers, partners, citizens, and more. It has all the familiar Azure AD External Identities features, plus new ones.
✔️These include developer-friendly tools to create safe, compliant web and mobile apps for your customers and partners.
📌So, what's new?
✔️You've asked for the Azure AD B2C solution to be more developer-friendly, more secure, and better integrated with the Microsoft Entra portfolio of solutions.
✔️You can use our powerful app development libraries (Microsoft Authentication Library or MSAL), customise user experience, and control access easily.
📌To make things easier for developers, we're also releasing:
✔️A new Developer Center packed with guides, code samples, tutorials, and videos.
✔️A new quick start wizard to add branded sign-up and sign-in experiences to your app.
✔️A preview of the user journey-time orchestration, to easily onboard or authenticate users with external data sources and custom business logic.
Want to learn more? 💡
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