Master the Art of Microsoft Advanced Hunting: KQL Queries Best Practices for Uncovering Hidden Threats
🛡️Master the Art of Microsoft Advanced Hunting: KQL Queries Best Practices for Uncovering Hidden Threats🛡️
Apply these recommendations to get results faster and avoid timeouts while running complex queries.
📝Action: Time filters Use: Use time filters first Notes: Kusto is highly optimized to use time filters.
📝Action: String operators Use: use the has operator Don't use: Don't use contains Notes: When looking for full tokens, has works better, since it doesn't look for substrings.
📝Action: Case-sensitive operators Use: == Don't use: =~ Notes: Use case-sensitive operators when possible.
📝Action: Searching text Use: Look in a specific column Don't use: * Notes: * does a full text search across all columns.
📝Action: Extract fields from dynamic objects across millions of rows Use: Materialize your column at ingestion time if most of your queries extract fields from dynamic objects across millions of rows. Notes: This way, you'll only pay once for column extraction.
📝Action: New queries Use: Use limit [small number] or count at the end. Notes: Running unbound queries over unknown data sets may yield GBs of results to be returned to the client, resulting in a slow response and a busy cluster.
📝Action: summarize operator Use: Use the hint.shufflekey=<key> when the group by keys of the summarize operator are with high cardinality. Notes: High cardinality is ideally above 1 million.
📝Action: extract() function Use: Use when parsed strings don't all follow the same format or pattern. Notes: Extract the required values by using a REGEX.
📝Action: materialize() function Use: Push all possible operators that will reduce the materialized data set and still keep the semantics of the query. Notes: For example, filters, or project only required columns
📝Action: Use materialized views Use: Use materialized views for storing commonly used aggregations. Prefer using the materialized_view() function to query materialized part only Notes: materialized_view('MV')
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