🔥🔥🔥Cyber Security for MSSPs: Harness the Power of Microsoft Defender Threat Intelligence🔥🔥🔥
We welcome you to our Event:
📅Date: Mon, 19 Jun, 10:30 - 12:00 BST
🔗Reg link: aka.ms/Managed_TI
⚠️Only available for Microsoft Partners in the UK.
⚠️You must sign up with your organisation's email address. Using your personal email address will result in rejection.
🛡️Session brief:
As the digital landscape evolves, so does the menace of cyber-attacks, they are an imminent reality, armed with unprecedented velocity sophistication. The need for MSSPs stay one step ahead has never been more critical.
To this end, Microsoft has introduced Defender Threat Intelligence (MDTI).
With the same raw attack signals utilised by Microsoft Researchers, MSSPs can now enhance investigations, fortifying defences, and neutralise threats before they affect an organisation.
MSSPs now have the ability to utilise Microsoft’s 65 trillion security signals across our services and build in finished intelligence that feeds directly into XDR and SIEM solutions, with Microsoft Defender and Sentinel in a managed SOC environment giving an “outside in view” of potential attacks.
Join us and redefine the boundaries of cybersecurity. Step into the future, armed with the knowledge to outsmart the sophisticated cyber adversaries.
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