🔊 ANNOUNCEMENT! Starting from June 1, 2023, #MicrosoftDefenderforIoT has transitioned to site-based licensing model to ensure enhanced protection for your Operational Technology (OT) environments.
🔊 ANNOUNCEMENT! Starting from June 1, 2023, #MicrosoftDefenderforIoT has transitioned to site-based licensing model to ensure enhanced protection for your Operational Technology (OT) environments.
Key points:
✅ Our former Azure consumption model is now closed to new customers; existing customers can transition or stick to the old model.
✅ We've initiated this change to bolster defenses against growing threats to OT environments.
✅ Site-based licensing provides predictable pricing and improved flexibility with a tiered structure, catering to sites of all sizes.
✅ This new model helps organisations determine and manage their security costs more effectively.
Here's how it works:
💡 Annual licenses can be purchased, priced based on the max number of OT devices you want to secure at each site.
💡 Pricing is flat rate per site size, not prorated on device numbers.
💡 For instance, if you wish to secure three sites with 90, 700, and 25 devices respectively, you would purchase an Extra-Small licence for the first and third sites, and a large license for the second.
💡 Organisations looking to secure over 5000 devices at a single site should get in touch with their Microsoft sales representative.
Want to learn more?
Tech community: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/microsoft-defender-for-iot-blog/microsoft-defender-for-iot-moves-to-site-based-licensing-for/ba-p/3843302